A Simple and Powerful Way to Get the Best Ideas from Your Team

A Simple and Powerful Way to Get the Best Ideas from Your Team

0601799001696199301.jpgDoes your team environment promote true innovation, or does it promote groupthink? Do all ideas get put on the table for consideration, or do you only hear from the most vocal team members? Red Team Coaching teaches a way to draw out ideas from all team members to ensure every voice is heard and all ideas are considered to improve problem solving. The Think-Write-Share technique is a practical way to mitigate unconscious biases and leverage group wisdom to overcome blind spots in decision making. It also increases inclusion, morale, and engagement. It was developed by the U.S. Army and is based on neuroscience. The steps are described below. 

  • STEP 1: Start by asking team members to think about a problem or question. Taking a minute to first reflect on the question gives everyone a chance to really understand it and consider their responses before writing or speaking. It slows the process down and forces System 2 Thinking which is deliberate, methodical, and analytical instead of reactive, automatic, and instinctual (System 1 Thinking). With System 2 Thinking, the cognitive parts of the brain engage more fully.
  • STEP 2: Have each person write down their thoughts on a 3x5 note card. Writing it down forces people to think for themselves and commit to their own ideas instead of looking to others and modifying their thoughts based on what they hear. The act of writing also deepens cognitive thought, which further engages System 2 Thinking.
  • STEP 3: Collect the note cards from each team member. Then shuffle the note cards and redistribute them to team members randomly. 
  • STEP 4: Ask each team member to read the note card they were dealt. This way all ideas are heard anonymously, which promotes diversity of thought. Once all ideas are shared, better choices can be made to solve problems more innovatively. You are also better able to combine and build on ideas heard.

The Think-Write-Share technique is easy, yet powerful. Instead of team members thinking of their own responses while others are sharing ideas, they can fully focus and actively listen. They can pay more attention to each speaker because they have already taken the time to think and write down their own ideas. This method makes meetings more productive and boosts morale by drawing out the best ideas from all team members instead of just the most vocal few. When people feel included and believe their voice is heard and considered, it increases trust, happiness, engagement, and innovative thinking. Using this method will help you become a better leader and a more effective decision maker. 

One thing a person cannot do, no matter how rigorous his analysis or heroic his imagination, is to draw up a list of things that would never occur to him.” – Thomas Schelling

“Strategy is about making choices.” –  Michael Porter

All humans think, but few consciously focus on the process of thinking.” – Training Industry (March 2022).

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