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Empathy: The Key to an Engaged Workforce

EMPATHY is understanding what others are feeling and why – a key aspect of emotional intelligence. Demonstrating empathy is one of the best ways to build connection and trust. We Read More

How to Handle an Emotional (Amygdala) Hijack

We experience many stressors in our daily lives: being cut off in traffic, being put on the spot in a meeting, conflict with a co-worker, etc. that trigger the fight Read More

How to Hold Others Accountable

Do you struggle with holding others accountable when they don’t follow through on tasks and commitments? This is especially challenging when you don’t supervise team members who fall short. The Read More

Create Clarity with Team Agreements

Do all your team members have the clarity needed to become high performing? Here are some questions to help determine if greater clarity and explicit agreements are needed within your Read More

What is Your Communication Style?

Are you a direct or indirect communicator? According to Dr. Pat Heim in her video Conflict: The Rules of Engagement, direct communicators say what they mean and mean what they Read More

How to Communicate With More Intention

Are you communicating as effectively as you could be? Many leaders I coach are so busy with heavy workloads, back-to-back meetings, and responding to emails, they don’t have the luxury Read More

Spring Cleaning: Letting Things Go

A while back, a client shared an article about decluttering that gave her an aha moment. The article talks about the emotional component that makes it difficult to let go Read More

Why Change is Hard and How to Make It Easier

Life is filled with never-ending change both at work and at home, yet it’s still very hard for most of us. That’s because it takes energy, effort, and involves uncertainty and Read More

Are Your Thoughts Harming or Healing You?

Did you know that you have the power to harm or heal your body with your thoughts? According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, 75-90% of people with health problems have emotional Read More

Are You Addicted to Work?

If your job title is your identity, you put work ahead of your relationships or spending time with your family, you constantly strive for more success at work, or you Read More

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