Are Your Thoughts Harming or Healing You?

Are Your Thoughts Harming or Healing You?

0008066001706194163.jpgDid you know that you have the power to harm or heal your body with your thoughts? According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, 75-90% of people with health problems have emotional stress such as feelings of anger, fear, worry, angst, shame, unworthiness, etc. Scientific research has proven that negative emotions actually change our blood chemistry and cause disease. (The Healing Field: Exploring Energy and Consciousness explains this phenomenon and ways to reverse it.)

On the flip side, when you are in a state of gratitude, you cause your body to create chemicals that boost immunity, so you can actually heal yourself. If you feel gratitude for 15 minutes, 3 times a day, your body makes a hormone (Immunoglobulin A) that’s like a natural flu shot. This hormone goes up 50% after 4 days of doing this. Ninety percent (90%) of your thoughts are unconscious. This is where rumination takes place (repeatedly thinking about past or future events that cause negative emotions). Your brain and body react to those thoughts as if they are happening now, even though they are only illusions in your mind and not occurring in the present moment. By consciously switching your focus to something you are grateful for whenever you are ruminating about the past or future, you can reverse the harmful effects of those negative emotions on your health. You can watch Dr. Joe Dispenza’s video here where he explains this. You can also watch Tony Robbins’ morning gratitude ritual here.

Below are more techniques for reducing emotional stress according to Ann Betz’s Neuroscience of Coaching program.

  • Name the emotion. Just being able to name your emotion can help with emotional regulation and reduce your stress. (Feel it, then let it pass rather than stewing in it or pushing it away. Then focus on what you are grateful for.)
  • Focus on what you can control. Focusing on what you can do shifts your focus from ruminating in your head about the past or future to taking action in the present moment. This is your point of power since the only time you can do anything is NOW. Taking action also reduces stress.
  • Reframe your situation. Reframing is one of the best resiliency skills. It’s changing your perspective to see challenges in your life as opportunities. Amygdala activity drops during reframing, and this has a profound effect on reducing stress.
  • Focus on your values and higher purpose. Focusing on what’s important to you and your purpose helps you put things into perspective, resulting in stress reduction.

If you are interested in experiencing personal (life) coaching to reduce emotional stress, strengthen your resilience, develop adaptive coping skills, or find your purpose, please contact me for a FREE exploratory coaching session by clicking here. I am expanding beyond leadership coaching to now offer personal (life) coaching to support more people in living happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Also, people who live a long time feel they have a purpose in life.

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 “The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy. In other words, to change our state of being, we have to change how we think and feel.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

 Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – C.G. Jung

“The latest research in neuroscience says you can change your brain just by thinking." – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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