Hire, Develop and Retain the Right People

Hire, Develop and Retain the Right People

If you are not using assessments in your recruiting process and employee development program, you are missing out. I have used many different assessments for leadership and team development for 20 years, but the AcuMax Index is the first one I’ve found that can be completed within 5 minutes with such a high degree of accuracy and provides such an incredible amount of information. It gives information on natural wiring drivers, primary motivators, communication style, learning style, best work environment, sales style, management style and much more. It’s a great management tool for leaders because it will tell you how to best motivate an employee and how to effectively set expectations and give feedback according to the individual’s wiring drivers. It will even tell you if an employee is energized or de-energized and ways to re-engage them in their work environment.

It’s also the only assessment I’ve come across that I would recommend for recruiting and hiring due to its statistical validity and EEOC compliance. Candidates may have the right skills and experiences, but it’s difficult to know if they will be a good fit your company culture. In addition, many candidates will exaggerate experience and skills on their resume and can talk their way through an interview by saying all the right things. Some will even list friends and relatives as references. So how can you know for sure that a candidate is the right fit for your job opening and your work environment? By using the AcuMax Index, you can create the ideal position profile and hire the right fit for that position. It increases your chances of the hiring and retaining the right candidate from 40% to 80%. It also helps you create powerfully effective job ads by identifying words that are appealing to your ideal candidate, and it even provides suggested interview questions based on the ideal position profile. Hiring mistakes are very costly, and AcuMax can prevent your company from losing a lot of money on hiring the wrong candidates.

The AcuMax Index will not only give your business an edge in recruiting, but it will also help you retain these coveted rock stars once you find them. It’s challenging enough to find stellar employees; you must be able to retain them and keep them performing at their best for your business to thrive. AcuMax is not only a robust recruiting and hiring tool, but also a highly effective management tool that will help leaders ensure that high-value employees stay motivated and engaged in their work and continue to perform at their best. I can’t say enough about this awesome assessment tool. If you would like to learn more and take the AcuMax Index for FREE, please contact me.  

“As a business owner or manager, you know that hiring the wrong person is the most costly mistake you can make.” – Brian Tracy

“The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.” – Steve Jobs

“Often the best solution to a management problem is the right person.” – Edwin Booz


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