2014 Thanksgiving and Lessons Learned

2014 Thanksgiving and Lessons Learned

Although 2013 was the most difficult and painful year of my life due to a year-long divorce proceeding, 2014 has been by far the best year of my life. This year has been full of love, joy, success, abundance, new clients, getting in the best shape of my life, trying new things, learning how to be spontaneous, and being present to really experience and appreciate all of it.

I am truly grateful for all of the blessings in my life: a supportive family, caring friends, amazing clients, loving and adorable dogs, and especially the love of my life, Jerry, who has taught me so many life lessons over the course of this year.

Here are 12 lessons I’ve learned this year:

1. Love and gratitude are the most powerful emotions there are.
2. Make the most of today because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
3. It’s never too late to find love and happiness.
4. I can learn to trust again despite past hurt and betrayal.
5. I can choose to be spontaneous even though it’s not my natural preference.
6. Trying new things is a blast. (160 of them since March 2014)
7. Worry is a wasted and useless emotion.
8. I’m more productive by doing less and being more.
9. Keeping weekends sacred for fun motivates me to work harder during the week and   helps me perform better because I have more balance in my life.
10. Exercising a little everyday makes a big difference.
11. Good nutrition is everything; it’s the fuel for maximizing the human machine.
12. Nothing’s more important than good health; without a healthy body it’s difficult to experience and enjoy all that life has to offer.

As you reflect on what 2014 has meant for you, I hope you find that you have much to be grateful for. I wish you a very joyous holiday season and a healthy and prosperous new year. May you live your best life each and every day with gratitude and presence.

 I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness. It’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” – Brene Brown

Hope when the moment comes, you’ll say I did it all. I owned every second that this world could give. I saw so many places; the things that I did. Yeah, with every broken bone I swear I lived.” – One Republic – “I Lived”

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