Where are you headed in 2013?

Where are you headed in 2013?

It’s the time of year when we are ready to start anew by making New Year’s resolutions and setting ambitious goals for ourselves. Like many people, I start with good intentions and enthusiasm. And then somewhere along the way, I lose focus because I try to do too many things at once, and therefore, become ineffective.

There has to be a better way. Perhaps focusing on just one goal at a time in an area that is the most important place to start would be more effective and powerful than spreading our efforts out in several different directions. This year I’m going to do things differently, and I offer this as an invitation for you to try as well. Take a look at the different areas in your life below, and rate your current level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) in each area. Then determine which area would be the most important for you to focus on right now.

  • Career – Are you currently in a career where you are making a contribution that is
    aligned with your values, giving you satisfaction, and providing you with opportunities
    to advance?
  • Financial – Are you satisfied with your current financial situation and regularly saving
    for what you want in the future such as retirement, vacations, college funds, etc.
  • Health – Do you have the physical energy to do what you want in life and feel at your
    very best every day?
  • Significant other/Romance – Are you in a committed relationship with a partner
    that shares your values and supports your goals and interests?
  • Family – Are you satisfied with the quality of your relationships with family members
    and the amount of time you spend to nurture your relationships with them?
  • Social Relationships/Friends – Do you take time to cultivate a network of social
    relationships with people who share similar interests with you?
  • Personal Growth & Development – Are you continuing to learn and grow
    personally, professionally and spiritually as a human being?
  • Fun & Recreation – Do you take time to enjoy the present moment and engage in
    activities simply for the pure joy of it?

Which area, if improved over the next three months, would help you live a richer, more satisfied, and balanced life? Create a SPECIFIC goal for that area that you can focus on and accomplish within three months. (For example, lose 15 pounds by March 31, 2013.) Break that goal down into smaller objectives to be achieved each month and each week. (For example, lose 5 pounds each month or 1 pound each week.) Next identify action steps that
you can take every day to achieve your weekly and monthly objectives. (For example, exercise for 20 minutes each day, drink water instead of soda pop, eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal, etc.) Write down your goal, objectives and action steps. Then begin taking action toward achieving your goal RIGHT NOW. By taking action every day, you will move closer to achieving your weekly objectives, then monthly objectives, and finally your overall three-month goal.

Once you have achieved your goal, pick another area, and create a new goal to focus on for the next three months breaking it down into monthly and weekly objectives, and daily actions. If you continue to do this over the course of the year, you will achieve four significant goals in 2013 that will make you a more balanced and fulfilled person. This is much more effective than focusing on four goals at the same time, making little progress on each one, and then giving up because you don’t see results.

I wish you much success, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year. Make 2013 a year to remember by focusing on one goal at a time and making incremental progress each day. By the end of the year, you will be amazed by what you were able to accomplish.

“A goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until accomplished.”
– Jack Canfield – The Power of Focus

“Remember, a goal without a number is just a slogan.”
– Jack Canfield – The Power of Focus

“There are no such things as unrealistic goals, only unrealistic timeframes.”
– Jack Canfield – The Power of Focus

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