Lessons Learned in 2012.

Lessons Learned in 2012.

Evoke Potential, LLC Newsletter – Vol: 6 – December 2012

Lessons Learned in 2012. What lessons has 2012 brought to you?

As I reflect on this year, I find that the greatest lessons I have learned have been through my connections with other people. Other people teach us so much about ourselves. Perhaps that is why I have such a passion for coaching leaders – I get as much out of the process as they do. Through coaching, I have become extremely aware of my own areas for development. I have also learned that being present for another person and truly listening to them so they feel heard is more effective than any tool, technique or practice that I could offer.

Here’s what else I have learned from family, friends, colleagues, mentors and coaches throughout this year:

  • People like to see people with a dream succeed. I am so grateful to everyone who has supported my dream of starting my own business whether it be to share advice from their experiences, to pass on a good word about me to a potential client, or to simply care enough to ask how things are going and cheer me on. I truly feel as though others want me to succeed and it helps keep me going.
  • People with an abundance mentality are more successful. I am truly inspired by the generosity of other coaches and business owners who have offered helpful tips and advice after only knowing me a short time. These are people who believe that there is enough to go around and that what you give and share with others comes back to you. And it does.
  • Former colleagues are more than colleagues, they are true friends. I am very thankful that I have stayed connected to many of my former co-workers and that they make time to meet me for an occasional lunch in spite of their busy work schedules and lives.
  • People living on purpose with passion are more positive. I have met so many new business owners over the past few months, it’s unbelievable. All of them are excited about what they are doing and very upbeat and positive. They are the kind of people that others want to be around because it’s contagious. Being positive is also great for business!
  • You don’t have to be perfect before you get started. There is more to know about being a business owner, coach and consultant than I can ever possibly learn in a lifetime. It’s more important to get out there and make connections than it is to have a perfect plan, workshop or presentation.
  • There will always be more to do. Each day I have more on my “to-do” list than I can possibly complete in a day. I have learned that I don’t need to get it all done in a day. I just need to make progress each day toward my goals. Keep moving forward and take it one day at a time, and it’s amazing what you can accomplish.
  • Good things happen to good people who have a focused vision. I am so happy about the successes and joys that my family, friends and colleagues have experienced this year, whether it be landing their dream jobs or new additions to their family. You know who you are, and I couldn’t be happier for you!
  • Support from others is priceless. Being someone who doesn’t like to ask for help, I have found the support of my family, friends and colleagues to be necessary and invaluable. You can’t succeed in business or in life by going it alone. I can’t thank you enough for all of your support.

As you reflect on the year, I hope that you will take some time to thank those who have had a positive impact on you and let those closest to you know how much they mean to you.  There is no greater recipe for happiness and success than expressing gratitude.  I wish you a very happy holiday season and much happiness and success in the New Year.  May you live your best life each and every day.

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely
try to help another without helping himself…serve and thou shall be served.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it.”
– Diane Ackerman

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
– Lao Tzu

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