Increase Your Resiliency to Stress and Change

Increase Your Resiliency to Stress and Change

Embrace-Change-150x150.jpgOver the past couple of months, I have experienced some very big changes in my life. My parents moved from Southwestern Michigan, a couple of hours away to Arizona – across the country, after living in the same state as me for nearly my entire life. I also bought a new house in a new area with my significant other and sold my condo that I have lived in for the past nine years. These changes are exciting, a little stressful, and bittersweet all at the same time. They are definitely milestones that signify a new phase of my life is beginning.

Some concepts I teach in my stress management class are to minimize the number of big changes that you have going on in your life at the same time if you can, and to take care of yourself during stressful times. It has served me well to take my own advice and practice what I teach during this transition.

Two other concepts that really help me personally with resiliency to stress and change are focusing on what I have rather than what I don’t, and practicing gratitude. I have mentioned the power of gratitude in past newsletters, and it really is the key to happiness and stress reduction. As Tony Robbins mentioned in his video on his morning ritual of gratitude, it’s hard to feel grateful and angry or fearful at the same time. So although I will miss seeing my parents regularly, I am grateful for the time we have been able to spend together for so many years and for the opportunity to travel to a new place to visit them. I am also extremely grateful for my beautiful new home and being able to share it with the man I love. I look forward to all of the memories that we will make there.

I hope that if you are undergoing stressful change in your life, you will be able to utilize these concepts to make it an easier and less stressful transition.

 “Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.”  – Sonia Ricotti

 It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment.” – Naomi Williams

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