

Viewing 101 - 110 out of 162 posts


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5 Tips for Improving Relationships at Work and at Home

Effective relationships at work and at home are the key to a happy and fulfilling career and life. However, this seems to be one of the biggest challenges for many Read More

Keep Your Sanity During Crazy Times

Recently, I’ve had many conversations with clients, friends, colleagues, and family members about all the massive negativity that we are currently being flooded with in the media. We all agree: Read More

Be Your Best Self in 2017

If you’re like most people, you are thinking about New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2017. Many people have great intentions in setting ambitious goals, but make the mistake of Read More

The Gift of Presence

 I saw the movie “Arrival” a few weeks ago. It had two very strong messages: 1) the need for humanity to unite in order to survive and 2) this question: Read More

United We Stand. Divided We Can’t Stand Each Other

Last week, I conducted a two-day conflict management workshop with a group of 40 government civilian and military leaders. (What timing!) We discussed the different conflict modes according to the Read More

Push Beyond Your Limits Without Burning Out

I am in the midst of my heaviest workload ever. I am conducting eight days of workshops in three different states over a three-week period. Last week I was in Read More

Want More Influence? Then Do This…

 I recently facilitated a workshop on increasing leadership influence to a group of engineers. According to the book, “The Likeability Factor” by Tim Sanders, we all go through a 3-step Read More

Increase Your Resiliency to Stress and Change

Over the past couple of months, I have experienced some very big changes in my life. My parents moved from Southwestern Michigan, a couple of hours away to Arizona – Read More

Are Your Beliefs Causing You Unnecessary Stress?

 This past month, I taught several stress management workshops. I thought I would share one of the concepts that people find most helpful: the ABC model from “Stress Management for Read More

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Last week, I had the honor and privilege of hearing Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, author of the books What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and Triggers, speak at the Read More

Viewing 101 - 110 out of 162 posts


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