

Viewing 71 - 80 out of 162 posts


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Our Future is Bright with These Leaders

I am incredibly confident in our future after working with a cohort of 16 amazing emerging leaders since February of this year. We just finished piloting a 9-month leadership development Read More

How to Stop Being Frustrated by Others

Most frustrations are due to unmet expectations. You believe you will be promoted, and someone else gets the job. You plan to celebrate the holidays with family members, and they Read More

Set Your Kids Up for Success – Help Them Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Research has shown that emotional intelligence (managing yourself) is twice as important as  cognitive ability (IQ) or technical skills to success in life and work. You can be the smartest Read More

How to Create Self-reliance Instead of Dependency

Many people believe they need to have all the answers and should provide solutions when asked. However, the most successful leaders know that they can accomplish more and get better Read More

How to Set Boundaries with Others

Why don’t we set clear boundaries with our team members, friends, and family? Because it’s difficult, uncomfortable and we want people to like us. We don’t want to disappoint others, Read More

The Secret to Better Performance, Relationships and Well-Being

Recently, I watched Eckhart Tolle’s 10-episode program with Oprah Winfrey called “A New Earth” based on his book by the same title. The main premise of his book and this Read More

How to Increase Trust with Others

Recently, I taught three separate sessions of Building Trust to engineering managers and technical leaders. This Ken Blanchard course provides their ABCD model of the four elements of trust, specific Read More

How to Feel and Become More Confident

We all know that we communicate and influence others through our body language. But did you know that we also influence and communicate subconsciously to ourselves through our own body Read More

How to Increase Your Energy Capacity in 2019

Most of the leaders I work with are overworked, pushing harder than ever before, and running on near empty. Stress is inevitable in these VUCA times (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Read More

Live with Fewer Regrets

Now that 2018 is coming to the end, many of us will take stock in how we spent this year. Did we do all the things we planned to do? Read More

Viewing 71 - 80 out of 162 posts


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